Methodist Recorder

This is a collection of four spiritual and liturgical hymn-and mass-settings inspired from the Catholic and Orthodox traditions.

The first item is a Concert Requiem Mass with words and structure, as well as the music, by the contemporary composer Lydia Kakabadse. The other three items, set to music by Kakabadse, are familiar hymns (such as the Te Deum, the Pater Noster, the Kontakia and the Theotakia [with O Magnum Mysterium etc] arranged for unaccompanied voices – whereas the Concert Requiem Mass employs a small instrumental group and a mezzo-soprano voice.

This music is for an acquired taste. It is beautifully produced, with obvious love and devotion, but it may take some time before it stirs the heart among a wide audience.

Rev Harvey Richardson



Copyright © 2024 Lydia Kakabadse